Bouquet and Garter Toss (Bouquet Toss
We will co-ordinate the Bouquet and Garter Toss with the Bride & Groom, Photographers and of course introduce it to your guests. All the single ladies ! Generally the bouquet toss happens in the latter part of the evening, once again we’ll ask your guests to gather their cameras. More Special music pieces are available in our Bridal Brochure. Should you choose not to throw the bouquet, we have other wonderful options available to you. Call or email we’re happy to help. Listed below are song suggestions .
- Single Ladies-Beyonce
- Girls Just Want To Have Fun-Cyndi Lauper
- Man I Feel Like A Woman-Shania Twain
- Manhunt-Karen Kamon
Bouquet and Garter Toss (Garter Removal/Toss)
The fun continues, this immediately follows the bouquet toss,we recruit all the single men on to the dance floor to support the groom. Listed below are suggestions.
- Hot In Herre-Nelly
- Mission Impossible Theme-Adam Clayton
- Hot Legs-Rod Stewart
- Leg-ZZ Top
- You Can Leave Your Hat On-Joe Cocker, Tom Jones
- Bad To The Bone-George Thorogood
- Wild Thing-Troggs
- Wild Thing-Tone Loc
Take advantage of our Deal Wheel call for a quote number, Spin The Wheel you will win one of 24 items as an add on to your function absolutely free. Our complimentary Bridal Brochure also lists many more options for your considerations.